
With an ambitious aesthetic value, the focus remains on the user’s functional and ergonomic needs. Vertessi’s goal is to create poetry in every piece, welcoming a glimpse of humor. In times of exchangeability of things, Vertessi commits to timelessness and distinctiveness. Vera Purtscher perceives her creations as “small nomadic pieces of architecture”.

Here writes Vera very personally about all the topics which occupy her both as an architect and as a product designer:

  • How to deal with the existent?
  • What richness is there in the content?
  • Combination of new and old?
  • I do not accept ascriptions!
  • Smooth, good function is a must!

Knowing that creating (a living) space can bring people health, joy, inspiration, freedom, and even (mental and physical recovery means both responsibility and joy. More and more is the exchange and conversation with users the most important “initiation” for the creative path I take.

Questions of ecology are also questions of humility. Demolish or convert? A flashy or a modest, almost untouched appearance? Save or destroy? A patina or modern “trendiness”? Botox or wrinkles?

I would also like to use this platform to express my values for those who implement my design ideas – the handcraftspeople. For, just as a conductor without an orchestra would be unable to produce a single note, an architect would never be able to bring anything three-dimensional into being if it wasn’t for the HAND:CRAFTS:PEOPLE!

My view of architecture, interior and product design combined with my love for details requires everything from craftsmen. Implementation of my ideas is a constant exploitation of possibilities and what goes beyond them. The process requires exchange, understanding, sometimes long phases of fiddling, reflection, discarding and re-starting. In all their forms, I would like to thank all these “contributors”!

7 Theses of Vera

  • Products are small, nomadic pieces of architecture
  • Reductionism can be immoral
  • 100 points cannot be achieved
  • The gap (absence of perfection) is also a reductionism worth striving for
  • Miracles are possible
  • Superabundance is God-given
  • There is transcendence in creative work

Products are small nomadic pieces of architecture

The relationship between architecture and design is quite evident. The forming of three-dimensional, which ideally also has a sculptural quality, requires both knowledge and skill. It is the scale that makes the difference! That’s why some are mobile and some “immobile”.

Built structures are embedded in an urban or landscape context and firmly connected to the ground. However, we take products with us when we move – at least those of special importance to us and our loved ones or which we consider particularly practical or valuable. That is why for me these are small nomadic pieces of architecture.

Reductionism can be immoral

Here is a striking increase:

normal weight
ideal weight
model figure

The reduction to nothingness means death.

That’s what I mean by saying: that there is also – too little.

Nothing can also be aesthetically beautiful. Just looks at nature, my role model, where one would say prima vista, as if there is nothing, that there is plenty. When concentrated, this is visible: the pitch black night or the wide plain, the desert or the sea level: far away from nothing!

Nature gives us so much: lush plants, rocks, minerals, creatures of all kinds. deserts or arctic zones. Imagine deserts or arctic zones. As soon as the senses are sharpened, there is an overwhelming variety of light/shadow, surface structures, etc. to discover. It almost seems to me that creation does not envisage too much asceticism.

Nature gives us so much: lush plants, rocks, minerals, creatures of all kinds. deserts or arctic zones. Imagine deserts or arctic zones. As soon as the senses are sharpened, there is an overwhelming variety of light/shadow, surface structures, etc. to discover. It almost seems to me that creation does not envisage too much asceticism.

Reduction leads in a consistent continuation to “nothingness”. This can be desirable, but in materialized form – product design – a contradictio in adiecto.

100 points cannot be achieved

Perfectionism and fanaticism are so close to one another – both scare me.

We all have our values and live – more or less – according to them.

For example, you are claiming an ecological action.

Do you buy a new T-shirt although you already have enough in your closet? Do you make notes on the back of a previously used sheet of paper? Can you do without a car?

… we are all humans, so faulty and hopefully forgiving. Depending on our personality, this frequent failure of our own ideas is more or less painful. We are not “perfect” in the sense of a machine, which would be synonymous with “completed,” and “done” would mean almost “dead.”

Instead, we are viable, open, changeable – for which the term “perfect” fits.

The absence of perfection is worth striving for

Perfectionism and fanaticism are close to one another – both frighten me. Anything that’s perfect is almost dead, because it’s not capable of developing any further, but is now concluded. Conversely, anything that’s “imperfect” is more in keeping with nature: it’s open, capable of change, asymmetrical – in fact, not “perfect”. In this sense, I am convinced that 100 points are never attainable. This type of perfection would also be undesirable.

Miracles are possible

Here I think of the MoonLashes and their history. To start a business, to found a company, with so much naivety and ignorance, it can only end in a fiasco. But this is not the case, as this website shows.

In fact, there are small miracles – even in professional life. Privately anyway.

As a first association comes the birth of a child- without doubt, the miracle is desire or love; beautiful, rare moments of happiness; incredible coincidences; yes, a deep, insightful conversation – these are all miracles for me.

Abundance is God-given

The creation gives us EVERYTHING in such abundance: luxuriant vegetation, rocks, mineral resources, multiple varieties of creatures: the creation does not envisage asceticism! This is why I, who am endeavouring to find a simple, clear language of forms, necessarily speak of the legitimacy of

  • Baroque
  • Overabundance
  • Presumption
  • Passion
  • Delight and merry-making.

Time and again, my concern with the theoretical background brings me explanations for the essential being of my creations.

Transcendence in creative work

As creative beings, we have the huge good fortune of being allowed to create; to find individually-shaped expression through a state of concentration and internalization: to create something.
I regard the self-forgetfulness of the process of designing something as a great privilege; it is that “flow” that signifies pure happiness!
Anyone who enjoys privileges must be particularly attentive and modest. They must consider every action twice! Be aware of their responsibility! Be self-critical!

The kinship between architecture & design

Product design and architecture are two closely related areas.
Just like good architecture, good design demands the following criteria to be met:

  • Function
  • Form
  • Scale
  • Ergonomics
  • Doing proper justice to, and optimizing, materials
  • Texture
  • Surface
  • Light & shadow effects
  • Legibility
  • Planning
  • Model-building
  • Service provision
  • Teamwork
  • Coordination
  • It is, each time, an economic undertaking
  • In neither case is it, in my view, a question of art

But built structures are embedded in an urbanistic or landscape context and firmly connected to the ground. However, we take products with us when we move somewhere else. Therefore, for me, they are small pieces of nomadic architecture.

Homage to Brancusi

In his creations, the famous sculptor Brancusi managed to harmonize wonder, simplicity, and reductionism with poetry to such a degree that joy awakens in the beholder! He let a trace of naturalism flow into his works, thus allowing each beholder their entire repertoire of possible associations; the beauty of his forms is certainly beyond dispute. My glass creations pay tribute to his work.

Our SinStella glassware