
Glass Art

Unique glass pieces are formed out of the large, heavy, 1400-degrees-hot glass drops. The very first ones were made already in Mesopotamia and Egypt as early as 3000 BC. It was only around the birth of Christ, the year zero, that the completely colourless glass was invented. To this day, old techniques are still used in our manufactory to form our unique glass art pieces.



Imagine fire, the true force of nature, fusing quartz sand, soda and potash together at an unbearable 1400 degrees Celsius. After all the gases diffuse, what is left behind is a special, mouldable material. Ideally, a brilliant, truly transparent glass. Vera's fascination over this process and over that "viscous, orange-coloured glow, the untouchable heat of glass", lead her way in the creation of our colourful Marbles.



Unlike any other material, glass is full of surprises, yet it can be freely shaped by maestros experienced in ancient glass-blowing techniques. The collection of our particularly colourful “marbles” is created using a special technic for overlaid glass. The thin, sometimes multi-coloured paint is applied on a transparent glass coating: these “marbles” play with colour as if they were dreams coming true from a heavenly time. Small works of art.



Born in fire and firmly shaped by a skilful maestro, glass Marbles must now withstand the test of time. The thick glass has to cool down very slowly, sometimes taking even a whole year. It is due to the internal tension within the red-hot material itself that the unexpected happens: despite the careful cooling, up to 60 percent of Vera’s thick glass artworks burst. This is what makes the remaining Marbles even more precious.