
It’s about love. In life. In literature. In art. In Vertessi.

Those who love wish the other the best, abundance! Not only in material things, but also in happiness, in love, in health, in professional fulfillment, in the pleasures of life.

“Tantum” is handcrafted in sterling silver or 18 ct gold in Vienna’s last silverware manufactory. This precious spoon accompanies the recipient for a lifetime and therefore symbolizes it formally: dynamic and sometimes changing direction. “Tantum” is always connoted with the person who gave it as a gift. Its sustainability is beyond doubt, as it will certainly be passed on to the next generation



Precious metal is used for our Tantum spoon. Sterling silver or 18ct gold? Or the same spoon in 24ct gold plated: It represents a real value. Silver is antibacterial and its patina always looks classy. Gold never tarnishes and retains its pure, warm beauty. Both silver and gold are painstakingly mined. Manual work is also an important theme in this very first part of the creation process.



Everyone enjoys Tantum. This spoon remains in the family's possession. It is not a “commonplace spoon” but a particularly precious piece that has found its place in the home and fulfills its task perfectly for decades until it is passed on. The next generation carries it on as a “lived, used heritage”. So you never have a Tantum all to yourself.



Those who love give with all their heart. And those who love desire abundance: not only in prosperity! One also wishes for abundance in health, joy and pleasure, fulfillment in private and professional life. The person who gives this spoon as a gift will be remembered by the recipient for a lifetime. The baby was fed with it, later it became the special spoon in the sugar bowl or the favorite yoghurt spoon. Taking this spoon in the hand each time is an invocation of a newly established tradition. Coupled with great inner gratitude.